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Master-Drill for professionals and non-professionals alike

19 мая 2022
Рифленый лист – металлопродукция, применяемая при проведении внутренних и наружных строительных работ.
Master-Drill  for professionals and non-professionals alike

The products of the Trade & Production Company "Master-Drill" have been present on the Russian market for more than 20 years. During the last few years, our products have built up a very positive reputation, and are justifiably in demand from both private individuals and organizations professionally engaged in construction activities.

TPC "Master-Drill" has developed a model and standard series products which are currently popular on the Russian drilling tools market. These products have achieved the  certificate of quality and are patented: (№2262579 – registered invention, №57083– design invention).

Drills manufactured by the company are intended for drilling boreholes in any type of ground, including especially hard clays with pebble inclusions (except for solid rocks).

For especially hard working conditions, professional drills in the PROFI series have been designed with strengthened bodies in areas of greatest stress during drilling and with screw conveyors manufactured from 4 mm steel.

Using our tools, you can drill by hand a borehole up to 20-25 m deep. The company provides a guarantee to confirm the reliability of its drills.

No other company on the Russian market produces manual drills which can achieve such high levels of efficiency, ease and convenience of operation!

A brief history of the "Master-Drill" company

Up to the mid-1990s, only one type of drill was used in Russia: these were drills with detachable flat cutting edges 100 to 200 mm in diameter. However, there was real demand for both smaller and larger-diameter drills, more reliable and easier to use, which could drill deeper. Obviously, users were not satisfied. Besides, the operational qualities of such drills were low: they often broke and drilled too slowly, especially in hard ground because of their inappropriate geometry. They could not be extended to drill boreholes more than one metre deep.

So, in 1994, a 250 mm diameter manual drill was developed, making it possible to drill boreholes up to 1.5 metres deep for pile foundations in marshland areas. The operational part of the new drill was a spiral auger with conical surface and hard-alloy brazed tip-tool. Such brazing facilitated ground break-up during drilling, and thus improved the drill’s operational qualities. The conical auger was necessary to provide rigidity, while the quality of the drill was defined by a combination of parameters characterizing the geometry of the cutting body and cutting edge.

During the last 15 years, this geometry has been continuously improved, and we can say without exaggeration that now it is the optimal version. Tests indicated the indisputable advantages of the new model - easier and faster drilling. And demand for such a drill is growing from year to year.

As a result, we have extended the model range of our products by producing 77 to 300 mm diameter drills. Several years later, the "Master-Borer" Trade & Production Company was founded, thus putting drill manufacturing on an industrial basis.

TPC "Master-Drill" has been a regular participant at international exhibitions during the last 8 years, including the major professional tool exhibitions MITEX and "Garden Tools".

The company has been awarded with diplomas "For the successful application of advanced technologies and promotion of Russian products on the market" and "The best Russian manufacturer of 2011".

International Tool Expo exhibitions, Moscow

Certificate 2009  Diploma 2009 Certificate 2011 Certificate 2012
dip6 dip1 dip5 dip2

GardenTools exhibitions, Moscow

Certificate 2010  Diploma 2012  
  dip4 dip3  

We have a wide network of representative offices, both in Moscow and in many large cities all over Russia - from Kaliningrad and Krasnodar to Surgut and Vladivostok, and also import our products to Byelorussia, Kazakhstan and some EU countries (Lithuania, Latvia).

In addition to our main customers, private households, the company’s products are widely used by large construction and road-building companies, as well as by companies engaged in water well drilling and erection of poles and fencing structures. Their major requirements are speed and reliability of tools at acceptable prices, and these are fully met by the quality of our drills.

TPC "Master-Drill" is the only company on the Russian market with a strong engineering centre. We do not work on the principle "make the sale and that’s the end of it": our company manufactures its products taking into account the individual requirements of each client.

Furthermore, lately the company has released to the market three more essentially new developments: manual tools for industrial drilling. Specifically, these are the 450-600 mm reamer, and drills for foundations at pile and pole erection works.

Thousands of people all over Russia are satisfied users of TPC "Master-Drill" manual tools. We value our customers and are most grateful for your custom.

We wish you trouble-free work, and steer clear of counterfeit goods

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